I was visited by a work colleague. April 21, 2022飯沢智博 When we did not have a store where customers could visit, a customer to whom we had returned a part that he had lost near our office came to our...
They came from Edogawa Ward. April 20, 2022飯沢智博 Charging smartphone holder Heated grips screen I received the 3-point installation. There was a problem with the grip heater that the customer brought in, but since our store has a...
He came from Ueno. April 15, 2022飯沢智博 We received a request from a customer who came all the way from Ueno to install a drive recorder KDR-D702 and a Quick Hold Beetle QI & USB KDR-M14A. The...
We have received collaboration proposals from many companies. April 05, 2022飯沢智博 Our company representative, Mr. Izawa, was invited to Ark Hills by Mr. Ozawa, the founder of Ligna, who is the CEO of a US unicorn company in Japan. The Kaedia...
QI certified smartphone holder April 05, 2022飯沢智博 Kaedear's wireless charging smartphone holder is QI certified. It is one of the few QI certified wireless charger smartphone holders in the motorcycle accessories industry.
George Tokoro's Setagaya Base April 05, 2022飯沢智博 Kaedear was featured on "Tokoro George's Setagaya Base" 🏍!!!! Along with our company's Kaedear spirits, popular products such as Kaedear smartphone holders are featured😊✨ Please take a look at it📖✨